What is the new situation for CBD oils in Switzerland ?

person Posted By: Karim D. list In: The Cannabis and CBD World | B-Chill favorite Hit: 5163

CBD oil : the new formula !

In April, the confederation decided that CBD oils should now be denatured to discourage the public from ingesting it. An incomprehensible decision, but at B-Chill we were able to find a solution to continue to be able to offer CBD oils. In this short article, we will explain the whole story.

On March 24, 2022, the confederation made an announcement that will have displeased many: the decision that from now on all CBD oils will have to be denatured by September 30, 2022. In addition to the fact that this decision was taken without consultation neither of the Swiss medical cannabis society, nor of producers and traders, nor of consumers, this position aroused indignation and questions about the merits of this choice. Especially since depending on the product chosen to denature the oil, this can be dangerous for the health of the consumer.

So far no studies or cases have been able to show that CBD oil can be a health hazard, while many people have been testifying for years that this product helps them to improve their daily well-being. 


huile cbd dénaturée


The usefulness of cannabidiol oil

What is CBD oil used for? CBD oil is often considered to have many benefits that help to improve daily life. It is true that since the years of marketing, there are many positive testimonies from people in Switzerland, Europe and the rest of the world. Not being doctors, we are obviously forbidden to claim any benefits, but it seems clear that more state-validated studies are needed on this subject.

The supposed benefits of CBD oils are of course attributed to cannabidiol, but also to other elements of cannabis such as THC and other cannabinoids in the plant or terpenes, at least when talking about Full Spectrum oil. It is in this context that the entourage effect is often mentioned.

At B-Chill, we will fortunately be able to continue to offer our different oils on the market, as these are fragrance oils which, of course, are not intended for consumption.


nouvelle situation huile cbd

Rosemary in CBD oils

As the state requires CBD oils to be denatured, we decided to add natural rosemary extract to the CBD oils. Rosemary is considered by law to be an official denaturant. Apart from the fact that its flavour is already present in our oil, this will not change much. Therefore, they comply with the new federal guidelines and they also allow the positive effects of rosemary to be added. For example, rosemary is known to counteract digestive disorders and for its anti-inflammatory effects.

Don't hesitate to visit our website to discover our range of Full Spectrum oils, but also many other CBD-based products.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at info@b-chill.ch or +41 79 823 74 54 !



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